Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Delkin's Dual Universal Battery Charger
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Hardware & Accessories" @ 02:49 PM

This is one of those products that you don't realize you need until you see it and compare it with the way you recharge your batteries. Myself, I find myself recharging the batteries for my Canon GL-2 most often (they're old and don't hold a charge very well any more), followed by my Canon SD870 and the Nikon D300 next. This seems to be focused more on digital camera batteries, but I suspect they'll expand their selection to include all manner of rechargeable batteries. The price? $59.99 USD for the unit plus two charging plates - not bad at all. I hope they add a charging plate for the Nikon EN-EL4 (the battery that goes in the battery grip for the D300 and gives you 8 fps) because that would allow me to charge both the main battery and the EN-EL4. I don't have an EN-EL4 mind you, because it required it's own, quite expensive charging station...and 6 fps is more than enough for me right now.