Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Chris Pirillo's 50 Reasons to Switch from Windows to OS X
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Talk" @ 08:00 AM

Ah, my friend Chris, always stirring things up. Am I surprised by his switch? Nope, not at all - I've been watching him inch closer and closer to OS X over the past couple of years, and I had no doubt in my mind he'd switch to OS X once he started raving about the iPhone (and with good reason - there's a lot to like about the iPhone if you don't need a keyboard). Chris brings up some interesting points, the most powerful of which is the way that Windows is so heavily geared toward corporate environments. In the years that I've worked with, and for (on a contract basis) Microsoft, I've seen this tug-of-war happen over and over again. Cool consumer feature? Cut it, we need that enterprise feature. Vista has made some headway in this regard - it comes with a capable video editor, DVD burner, photo organizer/editor, and with most systems shipping with Home Premium, the very capable Windows Media Center software. That's a start - yet there are lots of holes in the products, many limitations, and almost no synergy between them. Microsoft needs to do better.
On the other side of the equation another friend of mine, John Obeto, has written a counter-article that addresses Chris' issues point by point. Where do you weigh in on this issue? If you've switched to OS X like Pirillo, why did you switch? Or, if you've checked out OS X but are staying with Vista or XP, why are you staying?