Tuesday, April 1, 2008
APRIL FOOLS: Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo! Join Forces
Posted by Darius Wey in "Pocket PC News" @ 08:00 AM
On April 15, 2008, the three companies will meet officially to discuss leadership options and industry consolidation and convergence. On April 16, 2008, Steve Ballmer (Microsoft), Eric Schmidt (Google), and Jerry Yang (Yahoo!) will participate in a televised round-robin Dance Dance Revolution, SingStar, and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock contest, where the overall winner will be formally recognized as the CEO of the new company, Yahooglesoft. The remaining two participants, along with existing members of the Board of Directors from Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo! will participate in a round-robin Rock-Paper-Scissors contest to establish a new Board of Directors at Yahooglesoft. The new company, Yahooglesoft, will be formally established on May 1, 2008, and be based out of the Bermuda Triangle, before shifting to Virgle City in 2108.
Members of the press are encouraged to submit questions and statements to www.yahooglesoft.com/press. A mobile-friendly version of the web site is available at m.mobile.we-just-cant-standardize-mobile-urls.yahooglesoft.mobi."

Wow. Time to contact my stockbroker.