Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Status of the Contests
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Events" @ 03:25 PM

So I go through all the trouble of collecting nearly $7000 in prizes to give away from some generous vendors, and on the day the contest is supposed to be over, I'm busy fighting a server hack instead. Quite unfair to all of you, no? Here's what's going to happen: later today or early tomorrow, I'm going to post a summary round-up of all the contest links thus far, and give everyone one last opportunity to enter the contests. Then, I'll close down all the contests and start drawing for the winners, one contest at a time, on Friday morning around 9am. We'll start with the earliest posted contest and work our way forward - I'll do several per day and try to get through them fairly quickly. I might lump a few together per announcement - we'll see. Watch for my round-up post and enter to win if you haven't already done so...