Monday, April 21, 2008
Toshiba's 4-Core SpursEngine Chip: I Want One!
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Hardware & Accessories" @ 10:00 AM

Photo courtesy of Engadget.
This news is a couple of weeks old, but when I discovered it I thought it was still interesting enough to post about. Anyone that does video encoding knows that there's no such thing as a CPU that's fast enough - encoding to highly-compressed formats such as h.264 take an especially long time. I've picked h.264 as my codec of choice for archiving my video reviews, and it's quite ridiculous how long it takes to encode a 10 minute video to h.264 when I'm using a fast Intel Core 2 Duo Extreme CPU running at 2.97 Ghz. Hardware acceleration, tweaked specifically for certain codecs (such as h.264) is the answer here - when a chip is designed to accelerate a specific encoding function, it can do a much better job than a general-purpose CPU, even if the CPU is faster overall. I'd happily pay an extra $100 to get a chip like this in my desktop or laptop PC - I hope we'll see companies offering it. In the meantime, I need to look at one of these...