Saturday, May 10, 2008
Canon Vixia HV20 HD Camcorder Grand Prize Winner...
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Events" @ 01:30 PM

The winner of the Canon Vixia HV20 HD camcorder (a Certified for Windows Vista Device), donated by by the Windows Vista team, is EscapePod. Congratulations to the winner! I'll be sending him/her an email and a private message, and a response is required within 14 days or the prize is forfeit. Big thanks to the Windows Vista team for the donation of this awesome prize!
And that wraps up our...hey, no, wait a minute - that's right, we have the missing contest #19 for the HP Elite Autofocus Webcam. Guess I'd better pick the winner for that, right? Ok, coming right up...