Friday, May 23, 2008
Valence Technology Exits Mobile Battery Power Market
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home News" @ 01:00 AM

If you read my review of the Valence N-Charge battery two years ago, you'll know that I thought very highly of the product - it was an amazingly powerful battery, giving me nearly 20 hours of total battery life with my little Fujitsu P7000 series laptop. The biggest problem with it was that Valance used a specific connector for each laptop, so once I stopped actively using my Futjisu laptop (it sits in our TV room now and doesn't leave my house), it essentially became useless to me. When you buy an expensive accessory (it cost $299 USD) you want to be able to use it for longer than your laptop lasts - and Valence had no adaptor for my Dell XPS M1330, so I was out of luck (you can read all about it in this article). It's really unfortunate, because a properly-done mobile battery is a powerful tool - yet I struggle to find one that really fits my needs. Valence evidently doesn't think they can get this right - is there anyone out there who can?