Thursday, May 29, 2008
Win a Copy of ProShow Gold
Posted by Jason Dunn in "Digital Home Events" @ 02:00 PM

ProShow Gold is a program I've just started using recently, but I really enjoy it - it's like that old Microsoft PhotoStory product from a few years ago, only much better (why does Microsoft always abandon their coolest technologies?). At any rate, the nice folks at Photodex (the makers of ProShow) have given me two copies of ProShow Gold to give away (valued at $69.95 USD each). So guess what that means - contest time!
All you have to do to win is take a look at the list of features, browse through the screen shots, or better yet, download the free demo - and tell me what your favourite feature is, or how you'd use this software. That's it! One post per person in this thread, one entry per person, and the contest will remain open until Thursday, June the 5th at 2 PM (GMT -7). Two winners will be chosen at random, and they'll be notified via our forum private messaging system (so make sure you have your account set to email you when you get a new message). That's it - I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone has to say!